To my amazement, God is using me to lead others in their spiritual walk. Even though I know the bible pretty well now, and I could find verses for nearly any life situation, I'm not this strong in my faith naturally. Just like the song says, I'm not what I have done, I'm what I've overcome.
I've given my testimony before on this blog, several times I'm sure, but I'm just beginning to realize how God uses our past experiences to His glory. I'm probably oversimplifying this, but God allows the things that we go through in our lives to happen so that he can see how we react to them, and if our response is to turn to him, then he turns those experiences into opportunities. Each time we overcome an obstacle or tough spot in our life through our faith in God, God uses us to help others get through similar circumstances.
I swear, once you're set in your ways with God, through thick and thin, He arranges the needy in a zig-zag line direct to you. Well, it's actually more like you're the neon sign that draws people in and God's the one doing the talking.
You can't beat the bargains you'll find with God, I guarantee it.
Don't bother with generic knock-offs--even kids can tell you Dollar Store crud will break in a week. I got a box of dollar store crayons once. Not only was every crayon broken before I'd even begun coloring, they failed to transfer their color to the page. Why bother with anything subpar?
With God, the quality is top-notch.
In my own life, God is using me to encourage a recently-acquired friend who is struggling with his faith amidst a painful break-up. When I went through a similar crisis last summer, I devoted myself to studying the Bible; the verses that encouraged me also encouraged him. Before, I knew this guy's name, his job, and his girlfriend, but not much else. Now, this former stranger is my best friend and confidant; after a month and a half we've already got more than enough dirt to blackmail eachother into anything!
Another result of my time spent studying God's word is that I've become one of the alternate Sunday school teachers for the college and career class I'm in. Three weeks ago, I took over the job of sending out prayer requests to this class, and once June comes, I'll officially be the go-to-guy for this class. Considering the frequency our teachers are out, I expect to teach once a month at first, and maybe in six months do it every Sunday.
First God made me a witness to his power, and now he's made me a leader for other believers.
The hours God's open for business are from everlasting to everlasting (closed for Judgement Day).
And get this, just for coming to God, you get a coupon for a free Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card.
I can attest to this personally, but God's ways are not like anyone else's. They just aren't. Does Stephen Hawking operate at the level of a high school chemistry teacher?
Want proof?
God is using me to do his work, me, the judgmental and insecure snot I am.
But, it's not me speaking. It's God speaking through me and through my experiences so that his purpose is fulfilled.
It's a fantastic agreement. Like, I don't know why the mountains and hills aren't already singing nor why the trees aren't clapping their hands.
Oh, and did I mention the lifetime warrantee, that what you get from God will never break or be destroyed, ever?