Thursday, November 18, 2010

Crisis of Faith

An expression I've heard thrown around a lot among my Christian friends is the crisis of faith, that so-and-so is going through one, or whatever. While I agree we should look out for and be concerned about fellow believers, I don't know that we can officially declare any one person to be in a crisis of faith based upon what they say or do. Bear in mind, I say this having said or thought it of many people before. Regardless, it is not our place to judge where someone stands with God because of what we deem acceptable or righteous. If anything, we as Christians should pray for one another, encourage one another, support one another, and most of all love one another.

I believe if Christians can do that properly, there is no such thing as a crisis of faith in any one's life. There can't be. Low spots, sure. Moments of weakness, absolutely. Crises of faith, no.

I don't know any Christian going through a crisis of faith right now but I know Christians the world over are going through a crisis of the faith.

For the most part, our faith is fine. It's the faith we preach that's slipping. We're talking the talk, but we're not all walking the walk.

I'm not condemning anyone, nor am I condemning anyone else's way of living the Christian life. It is totally biblical to practice one's faith however one sees fit, provided certain fundamental beliefs remain the same.

What disgusts me is when people living an otherwise Christian life, do not love everyone they meet like they love themselves. Every time a Christian neglects a nonbeliever, or flakes out on somebody, or snubs some dude wearing pink nail polish, all the other Christians out there have to pick up the slack.


I never know what to say when someone tells me what douchebags "christians" are, like when a gay friend of mine told me he stopped believing in God altogether when his Christian role models were homophobic, inconsiderate, unreliable, or any other negative attribute that should not define what nonbelievers see as Christianity.

I think I want a t-shirt that says something like "Quick! What are the two most important things Jesus ever said?"

As Christians, we need to be servants first and foremost. That's pretty much what love is. Serving others however you know how in whatever way you can.

If you hear what I'm saying, get out there and love somebody, anybody, everybody.

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