Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve

I really need to go to bed, but I'm still alert and operational, so, I am writing one last blog post for 2010.

Some people like to take New Years Eve to reflect on another year gone by. For me, that usually happens officially the night of my birthday, since technically, that's when my new year starts. I don't care what the calendar says--January 1 is not a new year for me, since I'm not even six months through my current year of life.

Others spend New Years Eve partying, celebrating, drinking, and in some cases, kissing. While the idea of kissing in the New Year is quite romantic, it's not something I'll be doing this year. I spent the day helping my dad clean the garage, and as a result, partying is the last thing my legs want to do.

Lots of people are nostalgic for the things they've done, accomplished, or achieved. Me, I feel like all I've got behind me is my mistakes, upsets, and wrongdoings; I've grown from them, but still, I wouldn't be who I am today if I didn't have those faults before now.

If anything, I'm nostalgic for the future. I'm not talking about New Years resolutions or my plans for making the best of the next 365 days. I believe my best days are ahead of me, though not because of anything I can do for myself. I believe whatever is to happen will be because God's got a plan for my life, a plan to bless me and not harm me.

And, even if the next year doesn't replicate my most fantastic dreams, I know God is not slow in keeping his promises. Today is just a day, and tomorrow is just another day, and what is a day in God's time? When the time is right, I promise God will keep his promise, every one of them.

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