Monday, September 19, 2011

Rough day

The past few days have been getting progressively more difficult. Stress at home, stress at work, and stress in general have been taxing on me.  My dad and I had an argument a few weeks back.  It was never resolved because he refused to acknowledge any reality other than what he wanted to perceive it as.  Essentially, he's dictating how I'm supposed to act, and if I show any emotions (because he's yelling at me like I'm in trouble), he shrugs them off as me tearing up a little over nothing.

I'm not a kid anymore.

My frustration and anger aside, I'm in a really down spot right now because I got too busy today to spend any serious time in prayer or bible reading.  I managed twenty minutes of cramming this morning before I had to get to class and finish my homework, and then I almost sat aside my homework for another class at noon to flat-out bible study, but I wasn't able to do it.  I just had too much homework and got too busy to afford more than the three obscure verses I looked up for a friend organizing a bible study.

My best friend's mom is sick with a sinus infection again. She's been fighting it since December or November. I'm worried for her, her family, and most significantly, for my friend.  I don't know how to comfort my friend because she's not a Christian and most of the time if I share a bible verse with her, she's just like "Oh. What does that mean? I don't see how it relates to my mom being sick."  It's hard to find any verse she can really appreciate for what it is, and that's compounded by the fact she's literally my closest friend, even if we're not as close right now.

I think God's telling me to get on my knees and pray, first thing tomorrow morning.  I'm discouraged and I can't go on without catching up on my God-time first chance I get.  God's got me, from now until forever.

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